Oil Paintings
Each of my paintings is a dense growth of pure paint and painted over photographed images, hard to distinguish from each other, representing in method the melding together of perceptions, facts, and memories. By shifting light or angle of view, the shapes and colors can change importance and cohesion, forming new contours, stories, and images from the layers of details and meanings. I appreciate the body of oil paint — the being-ness, like flesh and bones, the depth of color, ridges of texture.
Acrylic/Spray Paintings
Inspired by graphic styles and street art, these bright, bold paintings are a counterpoint to the dense details and metaphors of my oil paintings. Iconic and simple silhouettes are emphasized by acrylic paint and markers. I honor the inspiration, paintings, and life of the massively influential Mexican artist Frida Kahlo (1907-1954) with the Frida Enflorada series, which include faux flower decorations. I made a stencil for the series from a photograph of her, to complement being part of The Dos Fridas Installation Project. Crows have a special presence as our clever urban neighbors, both mythological and familiar. I look to them for insight and inspiration.